The Fellowship Presbyterian church building and manse (parsonage) suffered significant flood damage during Helene. We are SO GRATEFUL to God and His people for the assistance that we have and are receiving from other churches and the PCA denominational ministries to provide work teams and supplies for the ongoing cleanup work and the restoration to come. We also appreciate generous contributions from individuals that are assisting us.

We are also grateful to Crossnore Elementary School for allowing us to use the school library temporarily for our 11 AM Sunday morning worship service (no child care). We anticipate meeting at Crossnore Elementary on Sunday mornings at least through the end of November. We are not able to have Wednesday evening services at this time. We covet your prayers through this process as we look forward to the time when we can meet again in a restored sanctuary. We will keep this post updated with current status. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dave Taber (dtaber3@gmail.com).